Root Canal

At Bakery Hill Dental, we understand that the thought of a root canal can be intimidating, but it’s a common and effective procedure for saving a tooth that is severely damaged or infected. If you’re experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity, a root canal might be the solution you need to restore your dental health.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure used to treat infection or damage within the pulp, the innermost part of the tooth. The pulp contains nerves and blood vessels, and when it becomes infected due to deep decay or trauma, it can cause significant pain and discomfort. The goal of a root canal is to remove the infected pulp, clean the inside of the tooth, and seal it to prevent further issues.

The Procedure

Diagnosis: Your dentist at Bakery Hill Dental will first take X-rays and examine your tooth to determine if a root canal is necessary. Symptoms such as severe toothache, prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold, and swelling may indicate the need for this procedure.

Treatment: During the root canal, your dentist will numb the affected tooth and the surrounding area with local anesthesia. An opening is made in the top of the tooth to access the pulp chamber. The infected pulp is removed, and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and disinfected.

Sealing and Restoration: After cleaning, the tooth is sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. In most cases, a crown is placed over the tooth to restore its strength and function.


A root canal can save a tooth that might otherwise need to be extracted, allowing you to maintain your natural smile. It alleviates pain and prevents the spread of infection to other teeth.

If you’re experiencing dental pain or have questions about root canals, contact Bakery Hill Dental. Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate care and helping you achieve optimal oral health.

Root Canal